Dev Blog 4: The Final Products... For now!

Hi everyone! Today, we worked on several aspects of our Unity project, addressing issues and implementing features related to our game. It's been a long journey, but I'm excited to announce that this is the final version of the build that we will publish for the next 4 months.

As some of you may know, I'm currently finishing up my Master's degree, which is why we won't be working on this project for a while. I need to focus on my studies and make sure I graduate on time. But don't worry, once that's done, I'll be diving right back into this project and figuring out how we can turn it into an actual game.

Now, let's talk about what we worked on today. We started the day by fixing a NullReferenceException error in our ArmController script. We realized that the "arm" variable wasn't assigned in the Unity editor, so we quickly made sure to set the appropriate reference to avoid the error. This still very bad so i apologize for that but i dont know how to fix it and i search youtube and i wouldve had to change most of the code since i started it wrong.

Next, we resolved an error in our EnemySpawner script. We noticed that the "armController" variable was not found in the current context. After some investigation, we figured out that the "armController" variable was not necessary in the script, so we removed the line causing the error.

We also added functionality to our EnemyController script to make it more dynamic and engaging. We implemented a TakeDamage() method, which allows you to adjust the enemy's health and trigger the death sequence. We also added an explosion animation and a spawning effect when the enemy's health reaches zero.

Finally, we fixed an ambiguous reference error between UnityEngine.Vector2 and System.Numerics.Vector2 in our EnemyController script. We removed the unnecessary "using System.Numerics;" directive to avoid the error.

Overall, we made significant progress in addressing issues and enhancing our game's functionality. And I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have been following along. Your support has been invaluable, and I couldn't have done this without you.

Now, let's take a break and appreciate the fact that we made it through this project together. We encountered some funny bugs along the way, and who knows, maybe one day we'll look back at this and have a good laugh.

Until next time, stay safe, keep on coding, and I'll see you all soon!

Here are some concept images I did when I was visualizing the project:

Changelog - Darklight Odyssey (04/22/2023)

  • Refined enemy patrol mechanics and player detection.
  • Implemented adjustable detection range for enemies.
  • Added explosion animation and effect for enemy death.
  • Added TakeDamage method to adjust enemy health.
  • Added WinTrigger script for winning condition and game restart.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException error in ArmController script.
  • Fixed errors in EnemySpawner and EnemyController scripts.
  • Removed unnecessary code and directives.

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