Dev Blog 3: A bit of polish goes a long way!

Today, I'll be sharing our progress on refining enemy behavior, adjusting patrol mechanics, and enhancing player detection. We also explored the potential of adding sounds, particle effects, and a death mechanic. Buckle up, and let's dive in!

Enemy Patrol: A Smooth Stroll

Our first task was to refine the enemy patrol behavior for a smooth, seamless experience. We set up two points (A and B) for the enemy to move between and implemented wait times at each point to simulate a leisurely stroll. Though we followed a tutorial from MoreBBlakeyyy, the result was not precisely what we had in mind. We identified errors and will be working in the near future to refine this system for all of our enemies.

Detecting the Player: Peekaboo, I See You!

Next, we tackled the challenge of improving player detection. We designed a box-shaped detection area, allowing the enemy to detect the player within its field of view. Once the player is detected, the enemy springs into action and begins the chase! There are still issues, like the enemy getting stuck with other colliders and not moving at the end unless it detects the player. We'll be addressing these issues and adding animations to enhance this aspect of the game.

Adjustable Detection Range: A Customizable Pursuit

To make the enemy's detection range more versatile, we implemented a variable that allows us to adjust the distance at which the enemy can detect the player. This customizable feature provides flexibility in tailoring enemy behavior to our game's needs. We used a box-shaped detection method for now, but we plan to explore other methods, like raycasts, in the near future.

Polishing the World: A Concerto of Pixels and Soundwaves

In conclusion, our game is like a symphony by Beethoven - a concerto of pixels and soundwaves that immerses players in our game world like never before (kinda but for sure in the future). As we continue to develop our game, we're excited to enhance it with captivating audio and stunning visuals.

To sum up, we've made great strides in refining enemy behavior, enhancing patrol mechanics, and improving player detection. We're excited about the progress we've made, and we're eager to continue building an engaging game experience. Stay tuned for more updates on our game's development! Until next time, happy coding, and game on!

Changelog: (04/22/2023)

  • Refined enemy patrol mechanics with smooth movement and wait times
  • Improved player detection with box-shaped detection area
  • Implemented adjustable detection range for versatile enemy behavior
  • Identified issues with enemy pursuit and interactions for future improvements

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Apr 23, 2023

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